
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What a Wedding Really Costs Where You Live

We all hear numbers thrown around about the cost of the "average" American wedding, which is currently in the ballpark of $25,000. Averages do not take into account local variations, though, so a $25,000 wedding in Omaha might be considered a splurge, while in Northern New Jersey that could be a tight budget. Learn how to use online tools to find out what the typical cost is in your hometown for the style of wedding you plan to have.
Have you heard of the websites which can tell you what weddings cost in your town? There are fascinating sites that allow brides to enter the details about their weddings, and then find out what the average price range is for a comparable event in their zip code. This has to be the coolest wedding budget tool ever, as it gives you the cost of wedding details in your hometown, not just a nationwide average. You begin by entering your zip code, style of wedding (traditional, casual, formal, etc.), size of guest list, and check off which things you plan to have for your wedding. The list covers pretty much everything, from the cake to the catering to the bridal jewelry and boutonierres. Simply mark which of the items you wish to include to get the average price range for real weddings in your area which were a similar style.

A great feature of some online wedding cost sites is that they give you a breakdown for each item within the total expected price range. This is a marvelous planning tool for brides. If your florist is quoting you $5000 and the average in your town is $2000, you will know that you could be getting a better deal. Or perhaps you will learn that most brides in your town spend $1500 on their bridal jewelry when you found yours online for $300 - that would be $1200 you can either cut from your budget or allocate to something else. The bride and groom may also use the budget breakdown to decide on some items which they can skip to bring down the total cost. The site is careful to note that hiring experienced professionals, buying designer apparel, or ordering unique features will quickly up the total price of the wedding.

Perhaps the most fun part is that you can easily compare the typical cost of a similar wedding in different parts of the country. Simply keep all your details the same, and enter the zip codes of potential wedding locations. Torn between having a wedding in your hometown of Sioux Falls, SD or where your parents live in Greenwich, CT? Perhaps your decision will be made easier when you discover that the average traditional wedding in Greenwich runs about $48,000 - $80,000, while the same soiree in Sioux Falls costs about $27,000 - $45,000. Regional differences can be astonishing, and knowing what they are can help you to make an informed choice about where to get married.

The cost of wedding estimator is a powerful tool to help a couple learn what to expect to pay for their wedding, as well as which changes can help bring their celebration within the price range they can afford. With the click of a mouse, you can see how much you could expect to save by cutting your guest list, having a casual rather than a formal wedding, or picking a venue which is less sought after. Knowledge is power, and with the budget breakdown in hand, you will be well prepared to plan just the wedding you want at the cost that works for you.

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